There is a very good property that Nginx has, and that is MIRRORING.
Let’s suppose 50 (or may be more) users request the same query to the servers at the same time, and because of it, sometimes the site goes down.
(Example : At the time of the board result, students request servers for the same query).
Can we try to solve this problem ?
Yes! And here MIRRORING comes into the picture.
Let’s suppose Nginx gets the students’ request for a result . At the time of getting the request, Nginx will perform MIRRORING.
Nginx will mirror one request and then generate multiple mirror requests from that one request, which are called mirror nodes, and then send these mirror(same) requests to multiple servers using the MIRRORING property.
In this way, students can get responses in less time.
If Nginx does not use the MIRRORING property, Nginx has to recreate the entire infrastructure again for each request, and it will take more time to respond to the same queries.