Application of Nginx MirroringThere is a very good property that Nginx has, and that is MIRRORING. Let’s suppose 50 (or may be more) users request the same query to…Oct 5, 2022Oct 5, 2022
Learn Docker container basics in much easier way.Sometimes a code does work on the developer system, but the same code does not work in the testing environment.Nov 24, 2021Nov 24, 2021
Published inkapil16gargWhy need of consistent hashing ???Distribute weight using HashingNov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
Published inkapil16gargBoost libraryBoost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications.Nov 23, 20211Nov 23, 20211
Published inkapil16gargGiven an array arr[ ] of size N, count the number of elements in an array that have only contain…Example:Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Published inkapil16gargPrint prime triplets such that 1 <= P < Q < R <= N and P = R — QGiven a number N, print all prime triplets { P, Q, R } (P, Q, R must be prime) such that 1 <= P < Q < R <= N and P = R — Q .Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
Published inkapil16gargHere are the CODEFORCES EDU’s tasks for Segment Tree, When I solved it I found that how these…Good Segment Tree Problems —Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020